Intestine Transplant

Also called a short bowel transplant, it is a surgical procedure aimed to resolve intestinal failure as well as manage other complications related to parenteral nutrition (PN). It includes replacing the diseased intestines with healthy ones from a donor.

intestine transplant treatment

Types of Intestine Transplant

Isolated Intestine Graft

This is the transplant of the intestine only.

Combined Intestine-Liver Graft

This is the combined transplant of the liver and intestine with the pancreas.

Full Multi-visceral Transplant

This transplant includes the pancreas, intestine, liver, stomach, and duodenum.

Modified Multi-visceral Transplant

This transplant includes all abdominal organs except the liver.

Signs & Symptoms of Intestine Transplant

  • Fever/Malaise
  • Change in ostomy output (increased or decreased)
  • Intestinal bleeding
  • Nausea/Vomiting

Treatment of Intestine Transplant

Pre Transplant

The patient undergoes several tests and evaluations to assess if they are healthy enough for the surgery. They are brought to an optimal state to withstand the procedure.


The surgeon removes the diseased bowel and connects the patient’s blood vessels to that of the transplanted bowel. The transplanted bowel is then connected to the digestive tract.
The surgeon will form an ileostomy, where a part of the small bowel is diverted through an opening made in the abdomen. It allows digestive waste to pass out of the patient’s body through the stoma into an external pouch.

Post Transplant

Once the new bowel is in place, the patient is taken to the intensive care unit to begin recovery. They may have regular bowel biopsies wherein small samples of tissue are tested using the ileostomy. Depending on the patient’s health, the bowel may be reconnected and the ileostomy closed after a few months.