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12 January, 2024

Cryptorchidism – A Child’s Story 

Children are God’s gift, and you are troubled most when they are ill at ease.

This is a heart-touching story of a little boy from Uzbekistan, all of 23 months, who had a congenital defect that could greatly affect his future.

The boy’s scrotum was empty, with no testicles inside. His parents were extremely distressed by this news and reached out to us to help their child.

Considering the sensitivity of the case, we got to work with utmost care. Soon, the parents had a little sigh of relief when an initial ultrasound revealed the presence of undescended testicles in the abdomen. 

Typically, this was a case of Cryptorchidism. Further investigations confirmed Laparoscopic Orchidectomy was the best option to make the testicles descend to the designated place – The scrotum.

We got in touch with the best doctors for Cryptorchidism to proceed with the boy’s treatment. All went well and the child went back happy with his parents to his home country. 

In the following years, our team maintained regular check-ups and follow-ups for the boy’s health. Three years had elapsed, and all was fine until the last ultrasound a few weeks ago that rang the alarm bells. The testicles had risen up again out of the scrotum. 

This was indeed worrisome and unusual. So, we decided to call them back to India and repeat all investigations to see what needed to be done.

Much to everyone’s dismay and contrary to expectations, the testicles had broken the previous baby sutures and ascended again. The good news was that it was still treatable. This time a Laparoscopic procedure was agreed upon.

But the parent’s ordeal did not seem to end. While operating, the doctor discovered that one of the testicles was finished due to the blood supply being cut off after it escaped from the designated space. It had to be removed as soon as possible, and the decision had to be taken with parental consent. 

The news struck the parents like a bolt from the blue adding to their woes. It did not leave them with any choice since the risk of it becoming necrotic loomed large, and the removal was imminent. Acceptance took a while, but eventually, the parents had to come to terms with it.

Assuring faces all around, words of encouragement, and rock-solid support from doctors helped them regain their composure. The speedy recovery of the child further played a greater role. He was soon seen smiling, laughing, walking with the help of the nurses, and playing games on the phone – all in less than 24 hours after surgery.

A day of an extended stay at the hospital on our request (to which the hospital authorities humbly agreed) built more confidence.

Finally discharged after a three-day hospital stay, spending four more days at the guest house interspersed with short visits of sightseeing to keep the children engaged, they were happy to fly off to their home country. 

This timely treatment not only saved the child from associated future risks but also gave us a reason to continue working to bring smiles to patients’ faces  – one at a time.

If you or anyone you know needs help with their healthcare journey, Deepam is here to be your bridge of hope. Please reach out to us at, and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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